Saturday, July 12, 2008

Be an Asset

While I was in Cedar at my teaching conferences I went to some wonderful sessions about being assets in kids lives. There was a presenter named Brad Barton that talked about how kids need 40 assets in their lives. The more they have the more likely they will succeed in life. Some of the assets are a loving family, supportive parents etc... The one that Brad emphasized is having three or more nonparent adults who care about them. He told us about his abusive father, having learning disabilities and how he had less then 14 assets in his life and how the odds were against him. Then a wrestling coach believed in him and made him believe. He ended being an amazing athlete, even qualifying in the Olympic's in the Steeple Chase, and graduating with honors from college. He was so awesome to listen to and really made me think.

I don't know if everybody knows but I am in the Young Womens in our Ward here in Orangeville I was also in the Young Womens in the Ward we were in in Cedar. I love it and I love working with the Youth. I worry about some of the girls I worked with in Cedar. I have kept in touch with them somewhat but after this conference I am going to make sure I care about the Youth I am around. There are even some kids in our neighborhood who look like they could use an adult that cares. I just wanted to share this with whoever will read it. I love working with teenagers and am excited that I can be an asset in their lives. I hope this made sense and it just makes me feel better to share it with others. The pictures above are at Girls Camp. It was so much fun, these girls are so awesome!

These are my Cedar City Girls. I miss them!
If anyone wants to look at the 40 assets go to: (I tried to link it but I'm not smart enough)

These are even good to know for parenting.


Lacey Robinson said...

I am so happy that you finally updated your blog...your dog is adorable...I am jelous! I tried talking Kenny into a dog when we move, but he's not a dog lover. Someday! It was really good to see you the other day, we HAVE to keep in touch!

Tulsi said...

Mikele's favorite pic's of the three of them together are these Halloween ones. What show off's they were.

Tulsi said...

Do you remember how Kandis did the Book of Mormon's out of candy? Candace called and asked if I remembered, but I don't.

Brooke @ said...

Hey friend of mine. Thanks for the call today. You're the best, ya know.
I miss your freakin' guts.

Tyann said...

Hey, Alicia! I found this site off of Adrianne's blog! Good to see pics of you and your family. That's cool you're still in the young women. We miss you here, but are glad you seem to be so happy where you are!!