Thursday, August 28, 2008

Family Pictures

My little brother came home from his mission last Thursday so we had family pictures taken. I haven't been able to do anything with them but if you want to see them go to...


Tulsi said...

Very cute Pic's. I will be so happy when Kass is home, and he hasn't even left yet. What a great time.

Jeanine said...

So you guys bought a house? I am so excited for you! I bet you are so excited! Congrats! We so need to make a trip up there! I wish Nick had more time off during the year, this summer was so filled with our house that we didn't leave it's side. We'll plan something though.

Lacey Robinson said...

Hey...long time! How are you guys? I love the football pictures! How is the new house? Are you in yet?