Thursday, February 28, 2008

Hannah Montana Party

Elli and her best cousin Hallie had a Hannah Montana party last Friday. Since we moved to Emery County we have gotten a sattelite and have the Disney Channel. Elli is addicted to Hannah Montana and we watch it A Lot! Well Hallie's older sister Gracie had a Hannah Montana Birthday party on Friday and Hallie was not invited so Elli and Hallie had their own. They got all the same treats as the other party but it was at our house. The party involved playing house and dress up while Hannah Montana was on in the back ground. It was fun and they didn't know they missed anything. Elli loves living close to her cousins we only wish we lived closer. She keeps telling me that she likes our new house. I am so happy that she is adjusting so well.


Hayden and Kelly said...


I CANNOT believe how much Elli looks like you! That last picture with her smiling is an EXACT replica! Lucky little girl! Can't wait to be nieghbors! Love ya

Bre.Sean.Blake said...

Who isn't in love with Hannah?!! Geezo...the girl is a cash cow. Elli does look just like you. How much fun!! I can't believe you and Kelly are both going to be in EC. Fun Fun

Sally said...

Gotta say, I like to see pictures of the fam. It closes the gap between here and there. Talk to you soon!

Lacey Robinson said...

Cute pictures! It was so good to see you guys this weekend at church! We really miss you...but we're glad you're adjusting to your new house! Breckon says to say "hi" to Taj & Elli!!

The Ewell Family said...

How is Orangeville treating you guys? That is so cute that Elli loves Hannah! Hopefully we can see you over Spring Break!!!!

LuDLoW LiFe said...

Hey how are you doing? We miss you guys! Actually we moved also, but I was excited to find your blog. We will have to keep in touch through this. We don't have the internet yet, but we are in the process. Come check us out at

itsmylife said...

We got our tickets for Stadium of Fire. I thought of Ellie. Mikele likes Miley Cyrus better than Hannah Montanta, but I remembered Mikele and Kasie singing Hannah songs on our way to the Temple.

Also, for some reason, some friends couldn't get into thefamilyawaits and so I have the Esplin Experience. I don't know what I'm on. thefamilyawaits is the one I blog on. The other is kind of a fake one with a link. If that makes any since. There are also two different emails. Anyway......