The story I am about to tell is probably the highlight of my experience as a parent so far, so bare with me. About a month ago we were getting ready for church and Taj, as usual, was playing baseball in the front room. We had just gotten back from visiting my brother and all of our stuff we unpacked from the car was in the middle of our front room, including Taj's mit. We almost left his glove in my bronther's backyard and grabbed it at the last minute. Well I was in the bathroom finishing getting ready for church while Taj and Lance were in our front room waiting for the girls, all of the sudden I hear Taj screaming. I run in wondering what Lance has done to Taj, Lance had no idea what happened. Lance told me that Taj had put on his baseball glove and then started to scream. I finally got Taj settled down enough to look at his hand. His finger had a mark on it that was begining to swell. I told Lance that something had bit him. Lance picked up the mit and hit it against his leg and a wasp flew out. Lance killed the wasp and got rid of it while I comforted Taj. Elli was trying to comfort him also and kept saying that a bee-wasp had bit him. I figured Taj knew what had bit him. Well, while I was holding him, Taj looked at me so seriously and said, "Mom, I don't want to be Spiderman." I asked him what he was talking about and he told me that a Spiderman spider had bitten him and that he was going to be Spiderman. He was very upset and wouldn't settle down so Lance gave him "medicine" so he wouldn't turn into Spiderman. The medicine is also known as Sixlets. We went to church and Taj told everyone he saw that he got bit by a Spiderman spider and he was turning into spiderman. By the end of church he was starting to embrace the fact that he was going to be Spiderman. He then started to tell everyone, "I almost Spiderman." He even started to practice climbing walls. So far the transformation has not happened, we are, however, still waiting. If you ask him about it he will tell you all about it.
I love being a mom!!! Taj always makes us laugh but this was the best. It is funny what goes through little kids minds. The picture above is of Taj asleep with his baseball stuff. I always find either a ball, bat, glove, or hat in his bed, sometimes all of the above.